Interview: Jordan Windholz, The Rumpus
Interview: Charlie J. Stephens, Orion Magazine
Interview: Mateo Askaripour, The Rumpus subscriber newsletter
Interview: Elizabeth Geoghegan, The Racket
Fiction: Hand-Built Heart, All Existing Literary Magazine
Interview: Alejandro Varela, The Rumpus
Fiction: Chimera, The Jarnal Volume 3: Transitions, Mason Jar Press
Interview: Miah Jeffra, The Racket Journal
Interview: Elizabeth Gonzalez James, The Racket Journal
Interview: Josh Riedel, The Racket Journal
Bay Area Authors share rituals that help close out the holiday season, Datebook
Fiction: Cluck, Maudlin House
Interview: Kathleen J. Woods, The Racket Journal
Review: Chouette, The Racket Journal
Interview: Kim Fu, The Racket Journal
Fiction: Sandhill Crane, Swamp Ape Review
Interview: Stephanie Grant, The Racket Journal
Interview: Loie Rawding, The Critical Flame
Interview: Tara Campbell, The Racket Journal
Interview: Jenny Qi, The Racket Journal
Interview: Paolo Bicchieri, The Racket Journal
Nonfiction: Alligators, The Racket Journal
Blue c/Hair: A Quarantine Zine in Partnership with Rockets are Red
Poetry: Indiana, Pacifica Literary Review
Fiction: Lopsided Heart, The Museum of Science Fiction
Fiction: Sirens in the Gulf, Howl of the Wild, A Nature Anthology by Winterwolf Press
Fiction: Carnival Glass, Oracle Fine Arts Review
Nonfiction: Jelly Sandals, Diodata